Sunday, 11 January 2015

New Years Resolutions 2015

Hello my dearest e-friends! I wish you all a healthy and prosperous 2015! 2014 was overall a good year, December apart, but we are not here to cry over split milk, yet to write about good and positive things and move on! So here I am, trying to put down only now (alas!) my resolutions for 2015! I glanced at my last New Years Resolutions, and guess what?? 

I realized that I achieved a pair of my last year's goals..hurrah! That felt encouraging, nevertheless one of my resolutions, which is also my Achilles heel, remains far away from being accomplished! And that is my tendency to procrastinate and let tasks uncompleted..I hate that part of me!
Therefore, this year I decided I will create a poster out of it, hang it in my bedroom, so it can be a daily visual reminder for me and hopefully I will stick on it! 

These are words mouthed from P.Picasso, and if you also feel you need some motivation and would like to print this poster, I give you for free the .psd file. Download it here
Do you make new Year Resolutions? What are your 2015 resolutions?


  1. That is pretty good advice but at the same time it's like oh if I died and hadn't finished an assignment or done the dishes that would probably be okay so I can leave them til tomorrow. ha
    Tegan xx - Permanent Procrastination

  2. Love that poster!!!! It is time to get moving and shaking this year indeed!!! Wishing you a creative and blessed new year!!! Nicole xoxo

  3. Καλή Χρονιά, γεμάτη υπέροχες αγάπης και ευτυχίας!!!!

  4. A great motivational poster! Hope you will reach all your goals.

  5. Γεια σου γεωργια.
    καλη χρονια με υγεια!!
    φετος πρωτη φορα καθησα και εγραψα τους στοχους μου για το 2015 σε ενα τετραδιακι lalaloopsy!!!!Εχω βαλει περιπου 20 στοχους..χμμμ μηπως εβαλα πολλους??!!!!

  6. ΤΙ να σου πω ποτε δεν εβαζα στοχους και οταν αρχισα να βαζω απλώς με αγχωναν. Φετας αποφασισα να γυρισω στο φυσικο τροπο που λειτουργό δηλ. να ονειροπολώ και οτι βρεξει ας κατεβασει χα χα!

    Καλή χρονιά με Υγεία :)

  7. This is a great one and I really like the poster - very well done, hope it will motivate you! :)

  8. Hope 2015 will be a wonderful year for you!

  9. Καλή καί χαρούμενη χρονιά Γεωργία!
    Νά περνάς καλά!Φιλιά!

  10. Oh, I don't make new year resolutions any more, I just try to be the best me that I can. However, I really like the idea of not putting off things to do until the next day or the day after because they seem to never get done that way. I wish you peace and joy in the new year. You sound like a very thankful person, and I would enjoy visiting with you again. We would love it if you could follow us on our side bar. It's nice to meet new friends, especially from Italy. My daughter visited there a few years ago and had a wonderful time. She said the food was soooo good.

    Have a sweet day.

    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  11. Pablos was right! Thank you for the nice advice and a happy happy happy and wonderful year to you!!!
    All my best and a big big hug

  12. Γεωργία μου καλημέρα και καλή σου χρονιά με υγεία!
    Εμείς εδώ στην πατρίδα περιμένουμε με κομμένη την ανάσα, την επόμενη Κυριακή, για να ανασάνουμε ως χώρα, αλλά και ως άνθρωποι... Καλό σ/κ πολλά φιλιά!

  13. Nice poster!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!! and my g+ too!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  14. Great post, the poster is a great idea for reaching your goals! I've done something similar with affirmations :) I'll write a blog post about that later on...I have also planned to be more organized this year and have more free time (last year was spent working and doing my master degree). Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  15. bellissimo post ciao a presto

  16. I have many many resolutions for 2015 !haha! the most important is taking care of me and the others

  17. ma è così carino!!!Mi piace anche questa scelta

    Passa da me :CHIC STREET CHOC
    ci seguiamo già a vicenda su Instagram?
    Ti aspetto!

  18. great advice but a scary thought..

  19. Happy New Year! Cheers to 2015.

  20. Hi Georgia :)
    What a lovely blog! And a wonderful post. This is a great new year's resolution and the poster is an awesome idea.
    Thank you so much for your comment on my blog a few months back. I have been absent for a long time that's why I get to answer only now.
    Yes, Keith and I still live apart - he lives in the US and I live in Germany. But we hope we'll be united in Germany very soon :)
    Where did you live when you and your husband lived apart? Are you living in Germany now?
    Have a wonderful day!

    Looks like a fun trip! Can’t wait to hear more about your big project.

    You look so stunning in this piece.


    Fabulous! Kisses XOXO


    The pictures are beautiful. This is an awesome post!
