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Bedtime struggles are getting worse and worse..every night we have a couple of crying concerts, so sleeping deprivation forced me to seek among my friends, the magic recipe for ensuring that babies stay asleep in their cribs... and i got some interesting advices...
The most popular tips were the sleeping schedule, basically a regime for their sleeping hours, putting them to sleep in the right moment, or introducing a comforting bedtime ritual...well, i must admit that lately we became very inconsistent with the sleeping schedule. Before the holidays the girls used to have a strict sleeping routine and indeed were sleeping through the night, at least for 8-10 hours without waking up.. some friends just told me that it s a phase and will pass away, but my impatient character can't accept this excuse...so i started searching in the web for experts advice..i was surprised of how many sites and blogs are exclusively dedicated to this issue...too many moms are suffering?!